
Advance the knowledge of the rich history of Chicago’s Jewish communities—your own, as well as future generations’. Join the Chicago Jewish Historical Society.

Membership runs on a calendar year: January through December. As a bonus for new members, join after July 1 of any year and receive an initial membership through December of the following year—up to 18 months.

Joining or renewing your membership is easy. 

If you want to do so online, you can select your membership type:

Life Membership $1,000
Annual Dues
Historian $500
Scholar $250
Sponsor $100
Patron $65
Basic Membership $40
Student Membership $10

and then click on:
  • Use a PayPal account or
  • Select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”

For those who wish to make an online tribute gift in honor or memory of a loved one or friend, or to purchase a gift membership, select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” and fill out the tribute gift information below.

You can also become a member, renew your membership, or purchase a membership for someone else by downloading our membership form and mailing your check, payable to Chicago Jewish Historical Society, P.O. Box 597004, Chicago IL 60659-7004.

Download membership form


The Chicago Jewish Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your membership is considered a tax-deductible contribution to the extent permitted by law.