Are the Hebrews to Have a Censor?

Professor of American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies,
Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA


Jewish Motion Picture Censorship in Chicago in the Early Twentieth Century


Prof. Kibler studies the history of American popular culture, with particular focus on how social groups struggle for favorable representations on stage and screen and for equal access to public amusements. These groups often advocated ethnicity-based censorship (what we call hate speech codes today). Kibler’s illustrated talk will spotlight the Chicago chapter of her recent book, Censoring Racial Ridicule: Irish, Jewish and African American Struggles Over Race and Representation, 1890-1930 (U. of North Carolina Press, 2015.)


SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016
2:00 P.M.
Kehilat Chovevei Tzion
9220 North Crawford Avenue, Skokie, Illinois
Book Signing and Social Hour with Kosher Pastries to Follow


General Admission $10 per person. CJHS and KCT Members Free.